In order to maintain peace and sovereignty in the community, here are rules and
guidelines that everyone must adhere to.
Community/Forum General Rules and Regulations:1. “RESPECT” each other. Any form of Discrimination or Sexism is strictly forbidden.
2. Any disturbing behavior or act of profanity is discouraged.
3. Insults and offensive comments, especially those that intend to mislead others and provoke fights, will not be tolerated.
4. Posting or putting up links in regards with client modification, bot programs, private servers or other third party programs and/or posts that are non-beneficial to the community are not allowed.
5. Immaturity and act of mischievousness are not to be tolerated.
Forum Specifics1. Signature should not exceed size of
550 width x 300 height pixel and 3 (three) Lines of text only.
This is to avoid longer loading time of pages and make everything appear clean and organized.
2. Large Image such as Wall Papers, Screenshots and the likes should not exceed size of
600 width x 400 height pixel. Thumbnails are much preferred.
3. Avoid double posting as much as possible.
4. Plagiarism is prohibited. Whenever posting an article or a work made by another person or group, make sure that the source is indicated. Taking and declaring someone else’s work as your own is Illegal.
5. Posting Obscene and Sexual materials are strictly prohibited.
6. Spamming is not recommended. We will be providing a Spamming section where you can spam and flood all you want.
7. Post your topics or replies accordingly. Don’t go off topic.
*Violating any of these will be subject to corrective action/s depending on the severity.
Let’s keep our community safe and friendly for everyone’s benefit.